The Citizens for Accountability in Jail Expansion is in the process of collecting additional signatures opposing the current location of the County Jail and supporting other alternatives. The petitions are available in several locations throughout Eau Claire and at the website: Citizens can get a petition to pass or to sign by calling 552-0179. Volunteers will also be collecting signatures at various times at the Public Library, US Post Office & downtown coffee shops. More details available.

At this time there are well over 1200plus signatures that have been collected. Those signatures collected by Monday will be delivered to the City Clerk to be forwarded to the City Manger and City Council after the Rally in front of City Hall at 6:00PM on Monday March 10th.
The Rally at 6PM on Monday in front of City Hall is being held to Support of the City Comprehensive Plan and to let our City Council know that many citizens will support their efforts to oppose the location of the expanding county jail on our downtown river front. The Rally is attempting to raise awareness of this issue as it relates to the city council.
CAJE is trying to let citizens know that this issue will be coming before the City Council soon for required re-zoning. CAJE and other citizens in Eau Claire believe that the City can and should tell the County to go back to the planning boards and select one of the many other alternatives available for the jail location. The Rally will also stress the importance of letting the city council and the plan commission members know how you feel about the heritage we will leave for Eau Claire by selecting this location for an expanding Jail facility.
Citizens, Taxpayer & voters can make a difference and this issue is not over until the City Council votes on the required re-zoning of this area. The Rally on Monday is intended to focus attention on just that issue.
For additional information about this press release please feel free to contact Ken .