Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Great turnout to support City Council

TERRIFIC RALLY LAST NIGHT! Thanks to all who attended and all your efforts at getting the word out. It paid off. There were about 75 people lining the sidewalk in front of the City Hall last night waving banners and signs to the support of honking cars along the street. Among those present were both County Board and City Council members. The mood of SUPPORTING THE CITY COUNCIL TO STAND UP AND SAVE THE WATERFRONT was certainly evident. It was very festive and yet very serious at the same time.

PETITIONS: Special thanks to all of you who gathered lots and lots of signatures. Our "woman on campus," photographer and student friend, Allison, gathered over 150 by herself and with friends. I saw people everywhere gathering signatures. It was great. And the tally is that we have 713 new ones, as of today, in addition to the 1000 that were gathered a year ago.

CAJE ON TV: There was a wonderful special program on public access TV this past week where Ken Fulgione, Jeff DeGrave, Will Fantle and Maureen Slausson had a round table discussion about the proposed jail and showed us what the implications are for the future of our city if we expand the jail once again in the down town area. I don't know if it is playing again but if you missed it and want to see it, please let me know. I taped it. What struck me was that even though I knew that they were all four on the same team the program was objective, factual, and very informative. It was clear that a lot of time and care went in to the preparation. Great job done.

OK, WHAT'S NEXT? *We're still gathering signatures for another few weeks so keep 'em coming. When you have a bunch either turn them in to Just Local or Eclectica, or call me, Emily, #552-0179 and I can come around and pick them up.

* We are all keeping our eyes and ears open for anything going on in relation to our cause. If you find out about anything, like a meeting happening that might be of significance, a news article about us, anything at all that might be important for us to know about, please let me know and I'll pass the word on. Hope you all saw the coverage on the front page of the Leader Telegram this morning. Now they all must know that we're not giving up.

*Keep the letters to the Editor coming.

*Write the City Council members and urge them to not re-zone the city waterfront property for a huge jail that will only keep expanding in the years to come. Snail mail is good but if what you have time for is email, that's good too. When you send an email it will bear more weight if you sign it with your full name and street address. Here is the string of City Council email addresses.

The link to the city council page.

* COME TO THE NEXT RALLY, if you are getting this email, you will get an announcement of when it will be.


from an email via emily with photos from jeremy