Citizens for Accountability in Jail Expansion:
We have grown and plan to contact the next 1000 this week. Thank you …. to those who had time to come out on a frozen night to attend a meeting to discuss strategies to stop the Riverfront Jail Façade. We left the meeting with the promise to start contacting the media – the county board – the Plan Commission & the Eau Claire City Council with our concerns and comments as to why shoehorning in a jail along the riverfront is detrimental to the city of Eau Claire…. should not be done without a public referendum …. and is going to be un-necessarily wasteful of taxpayers money and on and on and on. Please join in the efforts.
The best thing about the Riverfront Façade Jail is that there are so many reasons why it should not occur that we will have unlimited things to write about. PLEASE DO MAKE SOME CONTACTS. The attached file will provide you with all of the email addresses for the County Board & the City Council members. Contact them all.
We also will be sending out letters to as many of the 1000 signatures in opposition as we can the next couple weeks…. And I would hope you all will talk to at least 2 more people and bring them along to our next meeting FEBRUARY 18 AT 7PM AT 1ST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH across from Randall Park.
If you can not make that meeting ~ we will also be gathering at the County Board Open House in the County Court House 2nd Floor at 6PM on FEBRUARY 20th to talk with the board members in attendance…. Bring along a sign & send them a note and let them know you are coming.
(this was an email sent by Ken Fulgione)
Upcoming County Meetings:
held in Rm 2550 of the Eau Claire County Courthouse
Public Open Houses
Wednesday, February 20 – 6:00pm
Wednesday, April 2 – 6:00pm
Community Advisory Team
Friday, February 22 – 7:30am