Monday, April 28, 2008

April Update

Tonight’s meeting will be at 7pm at the Congregational Church as usual.  Things are
falling into place for the next phase of our work.

In the coming weeks we will be meeting at a different location and meetings in May
will be bi-weekly. We will continue to be in touch with each other by phone and
email as we work on the next phase.

So for tonight; same time and place. Next time and place will be announced soon.

And don't forget to:

*Keep your Mondays open.
*Keep circulating those petitions.
*Keep writing editorials to the Leader Telegram.

*Call and write the reps and keep up the pressure. Let your representatives know
that you are watching them and expect them to keep the best interest of their
constituents at heart.

*Talk to your friends and neighbors about the Jail project and let people know what
we are facing. Amazingly I still meet people every day who don’t know about the
impending jail and are horrified when they hear of it. Our most important moment on
this project is still to come and we’ll need lots of supporters to rally round. If
people are interested in any further rallies for our cause, or similar action, and
they are not on our list, get their email addresses and we’ll notify them when the
time comes. They don’t have to come to every meeting in order to come to a rally.
Some people are willing to show up for a rally but don’t have time to come to

Everyone’s efforts are appreciated and every action you take, big or small, matters.
This is a grass roots effort and we are struggling for the beauty and quality of
life of our town. Remind your neighbors and your representatives that the town
belongs to all of us.

Pray for spring and keep up the good fight!

Emily Beach